
IntegerNumber without decimal point42
FloatNumber with optional decimal point1.5
StringText surrounded by double quotes"Hello"
Hex stringHexadecimal number with hashtag in front of it"#0ABCDE"

Attribute modifier

An attribute modifier may be an object or a list of objects.

Each object has the following fields:

  • attribute: Attribute
  • name: String
  • amount: Float
  • operation: "+"/"*"

If operation is "+", amount will be added to the attribute.

If operation is "*", attribute's value will be multiplied by amount + 1. This means it will show up as e.g. +50%.


  "attribute": "generic_attack_damage",
  "name": "myAttackDamageModifier",
  "amount": 0.5,
  "operation": "*"


An attribute is one of the following strings representing an attribute of an entity:

generic_armor_toughnessArmor durability
generic_attack_damageAttack damage
generic_attack_knockbackAttack knock-back
generic_attack_speedAttack speed
generic_flying_speedFlying speed
generic_follow_rangeRange at which an entity will follow others
generic_knockback_resistanceResistance to knock-back
generic_luckLuck bonus
generic_max_healthMaximum health
generic_movement_speedMovement speed
horse_jump_strengthHorse's jumping strength
zombie_spawn_reinforcementsChance of a zombie spawning reinforcements


Slots represent an equipment slot of a player like his hand. They may be one of the following values represented as a string:

headThe player's head slot used for helmets
chestThe player's chest slot used for chest-plates
legsThe player's legs slot used for leggings
feetThe player's feet slot used for boots
handThe player's main hand
off_handThe player's offhand