Attribute modifiers

Minecraft has a concept called attribute modifiers. It allows you to modify things like movement speed of players.

In the context of item creation they allow you to modify these things for the player holding or wearing your item.

An item may have none to several attribute modifiers.

Single attribute modifier

A single attribute modifier looks like this:

  // ...
  "features": {
    "minecraft:attribute_modifier": {
      "name": "myAttributeModifier",
      "attribute": "generic_movement_speed",
      "amount": 0.25,
      "operation": "*",
      "slot": "feet"

This will give every player wearing the item on their feet a 25% speed boost.

The name field is just a string to indicate from where the attribute modifier came.

The field called attribute specifies what attribute should be changed. Possible values can be found here.

The amount the attribute should be changed by is indicated by amount.

The amount can either be just added by setting operation to + or added in percent of the original by setting operation to *. Last will, for example, for a base damage amount of 10 and an attribute amount of 0.4 add 40% (or 4 damage) to the total damage. After appliance the damage will be 14.

The slot represents what slot a player need to wear the item in to get the attribute modifiers applied to themselves. Possible values are can be found here.

Several attribute modifiers

To add more attribute modifiers to one item you put them in a list like so:

  // ...
  "features": {
    "minecraft:attribute_modifier": [
        "name": "myAttributeModifier",
        "attribute": "generic_movement_speed",
        "amount": 0.25,
        "operation": "*",
        "slot": "feet"
        "name": "myOtherAttributeModifier",
        "attribute": "generic_attack_damage",
        "amount": 5,
        "operation": "+",
        "slot": "feet"